New Haven (NH) C-632 is an all steel NE-5 caboose built by Pullman Standard on 8/1944. The C-632 weighs roughly 43,500 lbs. The cupola windows were fitted with metal protection screens to protect any crewmen riding in the cupola from low hanging obstructions like tree limbs. In 1969 the C-632 was rebuilt by Penn Central (PC) and in 1970 a water tank was suspended from the cupola ceiling. In 1976 the caboose was acquired by Conrail and was painted Conrail blue and received the popular "can opener" logo. It also received a new road number. The C-632 spent the remainder of its career running between Selkirk and Buffalo until it was retired in 1983. Some of the car attributes include excellent body and roof, friction bearings, fair wheels, AB brake valves, New York Central Barber-Bettendorf trucks w/ cast date of 5-49, body mounted brake cylinder, fully restored interior, stainless steel overhead water tank, original coal stove, RV style toilet.