Car number 1354, former Army kitchen car converted to power car. Currently has 2 generator sets installed. 1 operating CAT 3412, 450kw generator, and 1 non-operating Detroit 7083-7305, 250kw generator. Both have low hour (less than 400) alternators installed. Roller bearings, 27 pin communications, 3 corner HEP (one removed due to cable damage), 500 gallon fuel tank, 2 day tanks, full size inlet air filter installed in 1 side door, good trucks and floor, fair body. Also available with purchase, operating Detroit 92 series 450kw generator set, not installed in car. 6000+ Hours on meter. The car also has H couplers, good body & roof (needs paint), serviceable wheels, ISSH, comp shoes, ABDW valves (last COT&S 7/03/10), ready for service.