New York Central Coach #150



  • Listing ID: 17021137
  • Type: Coach Cars
  • Year: 1924
  • Manufacture: Pullman Co.
  • Bearing Type: Roller
  • Self Contained: No
  • Length (feet): 85.00
  • Width (feet): 10.00
  • Height (feet): 14.00
  • Weight (tons): 70
  • Shipping (minimum):$8-10,000
  • Interchanges to CSX
  • Location: Georgia
  • Price:
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Full Specifications

New York Central Coach #150

-- Located in Georgia. Asking price: . --

Built in 1924 as an electric commuter coach for the New York Central Railroad by the Pullman Company. Rebuilt by the NYC into a non-powered commuter car and used on the former Boston & Albany division of the NYC. Retired from commuter service in the 1970's and sold to the Gettysburg Railroad and used in tourist service. Purchased by current owner and a renovation was started but not completed. The car will need a COT&S and possibly some center sill repair. Some of the mechanical details include: Fair roof and body, new interior walls, A/C, new restroom, updated electrical, roller bearings, new floors, ABD brake valves.

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