NOTE: This car is offered as part of a fleet of 12 cars and an inventory of spare parts. VIEW main listing page.
Built in 1957 by the Budd Company for the Canadian National Railroad as a Rail Diesel Car. Retired and sold to VIA Rail for intercity passenger service. Retired by VIA Rail and sold to Dallas Area Rapid Transit for commuter service in the Dallas, TX metropolitan area. DART sent the cars to Alstrom in Montreal for a complete rebuild which included new Diesel Propulsion Systems. Retired by DART in 2011 and sold into private ownership. Some of the car’s attributes (all attributes were updated with the GE/Alstrom rebuild) include excellent body & roof, upgraded electrical, propulsion, HVAC system, diesel powered auxiliary power unit for onboard electrical systems, new interiors, electric heat, 26-L air brake systems, electric decelostats, ditch lights, H couplers, 27 pin & MU, oil/grease bearings, fair- good wheels, upgraded sanders, disc brakes, drop equalizer trucks, upgraded air compressor, seating 96 passengers (88 if equipped with handicap access and 72 if equipped with a restroom), locomotive style air driers, railroad programmable radios, car has a restroom with holding tank.