Riding Mountain Park



  • Listing ID: 6071323
  • Type: Dome Cars
  • Year: 1954
  • Manufacture: Budd Co
  • Bearing Type: APEE
  • Coupler Type: H
  • Self Contained: No
  • Length (feet): 85.00
  • Width (feet): 10.00
  • Height (feet): 14.00
  • Weight (tons): 75
  • Shipping (minimum):$8,000
  • NS & CSX
  • Location: Michigan
  • Price:
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Full Specifications

Riding Mountain Park

-- Located in Michigan. Asking price: . --


 Built in 1954 by the Budd Company for the Canadian Pacific Railroad as one of 18 "Park" series dome observation cars for service on CP's Canadian  transcontinental train. Originally built as a 3 double bedroom, 1 drawing room, cocktail lounge, dome, round end observation car. Riding Mountain Park was eventually sold to VIA Rail, VIA retired the car and sold it to a private owner. Riding Mountain Park is a very original car and retains many of it's original furnishing including a complete set of folding bedroom chairs. Some of the cars mechanical details include: Stainless construction, 110V DC electrical system, steam heat, good body, body mounted cylinders, complete DC electrical locker, tooled leather bar, OSSH, 6x12 freight bearings, comp shoes, D-22 valves, H couplers, good body.


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